Simple Tips To Protect Your Hair This Summer From The Sun

Here at Haven Salon we are asked by clients all the time about how they can keep their hair protected and healthy from the summer sun. Below are some tips that we share frequently with our clients.

  • Hats – Well that was easy. It really is that easy. There will be nothing better than wearing a hat and having the hat absorb those rays versus your hair. There are lots of trendy and fun hats that would work perfectly for your beach vacation. 
  • Keep your hair moisturized – The sun actually breaks down the protein that is found in the which will cause your hair to dry out. Keeping your hair moisturized and well conditioned will assist you in having your hair turn brittle and dry. 
  • Sunscreen – I know I know, who wants greasy sunscreen in their hair. Well, the best protection is to place a barrier between your hair and the sun. If you’re not wearing a hat, the second best way is to get that SPF to assist in that barrier. You can actually mix 3 teaspoons of UV protection with a 1 1/2 cup of water and place in a spray bottle. Shake and spray!
  • Be careful of products – Avoid products that have alcohol in them. Don’t put any alcohol or citrus based (lemon) in your hair. This aids in oxidation which in return will damage your hair in the sun. Haven carries a wonderful product by Davines called Su. This is a solution for protection for both your hair and body. Stop in and grab some!
  • Put it up – Twisting your hair into a bun or pulling it up will assist in protecting it. Use a wrap to assist in the process. It’s a great summer look too. 
  • Don’t wash it as much – Skip a day if you can on washing your hair. The natural oils will help keep your hair healthy in the sun. 

Stop in the salon for some amazing products that you should pack for your trip!

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