Benefits of Microneedling

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What is microneedling?

    Microneedling is a minimum invasive skin treatment. A collection of fine needles make invisible punctures on the top layer of your skin. We know - it sounds like it’s going to hurt. But it is actually completely painless and extremely effective for the overall look and health of your skin. Microneedling has become very popular among beauty fanatics because it’s actually showing results.

What are the benefits of microneedling and why may I need it?

    Microneedling is more than just a skincare treatment for acne and your pores. There are lots of different benefits as to why microneedling could be right for you and your skin. It’s also not just for your face. Microneedling can be done in any area on your body that may need the treatment.

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Stop aging in its tracks with microneedling. Just after a few sessions, you will notice the reduction of fine lines, crows feet and deep wrinkles in the forehead.

  • Repairs visible scars. Acne scars be gone!

  • Reverses sun damage and pigmentation. Microneedling stimulates collagen growth which is the best way to repair sun damage and discoloration.

  • Helps aging skin. Smooths and tightens aging skin.

  • Shrinks pores. Microneedling pierces the skin and plumps pores which makes them appear smaller and close pores.

  • Helps your skincare products work better. Creating invisible holes in your skin with microneedling - your expensive skincare products will be able to absorb better in your skin. Most of the time when you’re using these products they are just penetrating your skin and not absorbing.

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